Twitter and #FollowFriday - What’s It All About, Alfie?
from: Connect Social Media...Jim QuillenI get lots of questions each week from folks who are new to Twitter about the phenomenon called “Follow Friday,” so here’s a quick overview.
Follow Friday has become one of the weeks most popular Twitter “events” - and it’s an easy way to start getting involved on Twitter and building your Twitter network. It’s essentially a recommendation service - you are recommending other Twitter users that you like by making a tweet that includes both their user name (with the @ in front) and the hashtag #followfriday. More about hastags here.
It’s also a great way to find new people to follow - just follow the users your friends are recommending. How do you know who to recommend? Everybody does it a little differently. I recently posed that question for my #twitterguy hastag - you can see the responses I received here. Here’s the RSS feed for all #twitterguy questions.
A new site called Top Follow Friday popped up recently and is a good way to track the most endorsed Twitter users each week for #followfriday. You can also click through and see a top users endorsement list - worth a glance.
So give it a try - just make a tweet and add your favorites and be sure to add the hashtag #followfriday, and before long you’ll be tweeting like a pro!