Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Christmas Alphabet

A is for Animals who shared the stable
B is for Babe with their manger for cradle
C is for Carols so blithe and so gay
D for December, the twenty-fifth day
E for the Eve when we're all so excited
F for the Fun when the tree's at last lighted
G is the Goose which you all know is fat
H for the Holly you stick in your hat
I for the Ivy that clings to the wall
J is for Jesus, the cause of it all
K for the Kindness begot by this feast
L is the Light shining way in the east
M for the Mistletoe, all green and white
N for the Noels we sing Christmas night
O for the Oxen, the first to adore Him
P for the Presents Wise Men laid before Him
Q for the Queerness that this should have been
  Near two thousand years before you were seen
R for the Reindeer leaping the roofs
S for the Stockings that Santa Claus stuffs
T for the Toys, the Tinsel, the Tree
U is for Us-the whole family
V is for Visitors bringing us cheer
W is Welcome to the happy New Year
X Y Z bother me! All I can say, Is this is the end of my Christmas lay.
    So now to you all, wherever you be,
    A merry, merry Christmas, and many may you see!

Author Unknown

Merry Christmas Around the World

Merry Christmas Around the World

English - Merry Christmas
Portugese - Boas Festas y Feliz Ano Novo
Swedish - God Jul
Polish - Boze Narodzenie
Russian - S Rozhdestvom Kristovym
Irish - Nodlaig Mhaith Chugnat
Rumanian - Sarbatori Vesele
Italian - Buon Natale
Ukrainian - Chrystos Rozdzajetsia Slawyte Jeho
Welsh - Nadolig Llawen
Hungarian - Kellemes Karacsonyi Unnepeket
Slovakian - Vesele Vianoce
Danish - Glaedelig Jul
Croatian - Sretan Bozic
Turkish - Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Armenian - Schernorhavor Dzenount
Lithuanian - Linksmu Kaledu
Yugoslavian - Cestitamo Bozic
Bohemian - Vesele Vanoce
French - Joyeux Noel
Finnish - Houska Joulua
Bulgarian - Chestita Koleda
Greek - Kala Christougena
Dutch - Vrolyk Kerfeest en Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
Serbian - Hristos Se Rodi
Norwegian - God Jul og Godt Nytt Aar
Spanish - Feliz Navidad
Flemish - Vrolike Kerstmis
Afrikaner - Een Plesierige Kerfees
German - Froehliche Weignachten

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Loyal Black Lab

Touching story of a black lab named Maggie; who would not leave the side of a yellow lab who was hit by a car in the middle of the street. A good Samaritan contacted the police and was able to rescue Maggie. Loyal Black Lab

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Recipe for a Happy New Year

CLEAN thoroughly 12 whole months.
DIVIDE into 365 parts; set aside, preparing one part only at a time as follows:
MIX WELL into each day; 1 part patience, 1 part work, 1 part courage.
ADD to each day; 1 part each of hope, faithfulness, generosity and kindness.
BLEND with: 1 part prayer, 1 part meditation and 1 good deed.
SEASON the mixture with a dash of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play and a cup of good humor.
POUR mixture into vessel of love.
COOK over radiant joy, garnish with a smile.
SERVE with quietness, unselfishness and cheer.
YIELD: 1 Happy Year

Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Chicken jerky treats linked to mystery illnesses, deaths in dogs

We need to be so careful on the products we choose for our beloved pets.
If you have purchased these chicken jerky treats, you might want to reconsider feeding them to your pet after reading this article.

For a healthy alternative to these treats for your dog, check out: Life's Abundance Dog Treats. Life's Abundance products are made here in the USA and are made from all natural ingredients.

Chicken jerky treats may be to blame for dozens of new reports of mysterious illnesses and some deaths in dogs, prompting a renewed warning for pet owners by the Food and Drug Administration.

At least 70 dogs have been sickened so far this year after reportedly eating chicken jerky products imported from China, FDA officials said. That’s up from 54 reports of illness in 2010. Some of the dogs have died, according to the anecdotal reports from pet owners and veterinarians.

FDA officials say they have not been able to find a cause for the illnesses. Extensive chemical and microbiological testing has failed to turn up a specific contaminant and officials did not identify a specific brand of treats. They note that the reports of illness have not conclusively been tied to chicken jerky products, also sold as chicken tenders, chicken strips or chicken treats.

The new warning follows previous FDA cautions about chicken jerky treats in 2007 and 2008. But after a high of 156 reports of illness in 2007, the number of complaints dropped. Now, it's rising again.

Dog owners and vets are reporting that animals may be stricken with a range of illnesses within days or hours of eating chicken jerky, including kidney failure and Fanconi syndrome, a condition characterized by low glucose.

Symptoms may include decreased appetite, decreased activity, vomiting, diarrhea, increased water consumption and increased urination. If dogs show any of these signs, stop feeding the animal the chicken jerky products, FDA officials said. If signs are severe or persist for more than 24 hours, seek veterinary help.

Most dogs have recovered, officials said.

Illnesses can be reported to the FDA’s Pet Food Complaint site.

By JoNel Aleccia

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Why Dogs Can't Eat Chocolate - By: Dr. Dawn Ruben

Halloween and the temptation of chocolate is everywhere this time of year. But our dogs should not eat any chocolate because for them, chocolate is poison.

In addition to a high fat content, chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, two different types of stimulants that affect the central nervous system and the heart muscle, as well as increasing the frequency of urination.

Six ounces of semi-sweet chocolate can be toxic to the nervous system of a 20-pound dog. The worst a Hershey bar can do to you is add an inch to your hips. But that same candy – even in relatively small amounts – can make a dog very sick.

Symptoms of Poisoning
If your 50-pound dog gets his paws on a single chocolate-chip cookie, it probably won't cause him serious problems. However, if he gobbles up more – a pan of brownies, say – he may develop vomiting or diarrhea.

Once toxic levels are reached, the stimulants kick in, and this is when you really have to worry. Symptoms include: restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination and/or excessive panting. If your pet isn't treated, he could go into a seizure – possibly even die.

How Much Is Toxic?
The amount of chocolate that it takes to poison your pet depends on the type of chocolate he's eaten and his weight. White chocolate has the least amount of stimulants and baking chocolate or cocoa beans have the highest. Here is a list of the most common sources of chocolate and the amount that leads to toxicity:

White Chocolate. Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 45 ounces per pound of body weight is ingested. Severe toxicity occurs when 90 ounces per pound of body weight in ingested. This means that a 20-pound dog would need to ingest at least 55 pounds of white chocolate to cause nervous system signs. A 10-pound cat would need to ingest 27 pounds. Yes, that is twenty seven pounds! White chocolate has very little real chocolate in it. Therefore, the levels of caffeine and theobromine are very low. Tremendous amounts of white chocolate need to be ingested in order to cause toxic signs from chocolate. It is highly unlikely that white chocolate ingestion will result in the toxic neurologic signs but, the severe gastrointestinal effects from a high fat food develop with much less white chocolate ingestion.

Milk Chocolate. Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 0.7 ounces per pound of body weight is ingested. Severe signs occur when 2 ounces per pound of body weight is ingested. This means that a little less than one pound of milk chocolate can be toxic to the nervous system of a 20-pound dog. A 10-pound cat would need to ingest 1/2 pound.

Semi-Sweet Chocolate. Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 1/3 ounce per pound of body weight is ingested. Severe signs occur when 1 ounce per pound of body weight is ingested. This means that as little as 6 ounces of semi-sweet chocolate can be toxic to the nervous system of a 20-pound dog. A 10-pound cat would need to ingest 3 ounces.

Baking Chocolate. Mild signs of toxicity can occur when 0.1 ounce per pound of body weight is ingested. Severe signs occur when 0.3 ounce per pound of body weight is ingested. Two small one-ounce squares of baking chocolate can be toxic to a 20-pound dog. A 10-pound cat would need to ingest 1 ounce of baking chocolate. This type of chocolate has the highest concentration of caffeine and theobromine and very little needs to be ingested before signs of illness become apparent.

Even if your pet doesn't eat enough chocolate to induce toxicity, the candy's high fat content may cause him to vomit or have diarrhea at much smaller amounts than those shown. If that happens, watch him carefully. If his symptoms don't clear up within eight hours, call your veterinarian (if your pet is very small or young, call within four hours); aside from toxicity issues, you don't want the animal to dehydrate. Try to be as precise as you can about the type of chocolate the animal ate, how much he took and approximately when he ate it.

The sooner you get help, the better off your pet will be. If the animal is showing signs of toxicity, he has a good prognosis if he's treated within four to six hours of ingestion. The effects of the chocolate can linger for 12 to 36 hours, though, so your pet may require hospitalization.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Two Dogs Dining

This is hilarious. Wish our little poodle could wipe his mouth after dining. Enjoy: