Merry Christmas Around the World
English - Merry Christmas
Portugese - Boas Festas y Feliz Ano Novo
Swedish - God Jul
Polish - Boze Narodzenie
Russian - S Rozhdestvom Kristovym
Irish - Nodlaig Mhaith Chugnat
Rumanian - Sarbatori Vesele
Italian - Buon Natale
Ukrainian - Chrystos Rozdzajetsia Slawyte Jeho
Welsh - Nadolig Llawen
Hungarian - Kellemes Karacsonyi Unnepeket
Slovakian - Vesele Vianoce
Danish - Glaedelig Jul
Croatian - Sretan Bozic
Turkish - Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Armenian - Schernorhavor Dzenount
Lithuanian - Linksmu Kaledu
Yugoslavian - Cestitamo Bozic
Bohemian - Vesele Vanoce
French - Joyeux Noel
Finnish - Houska Joulua
Bulgarian - Chestita Koleda
Greek - Kala Christougena
Dutch - Vrolyk Kerfeest en Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar
Serbian - Hristos Se Rodi
Norwegian - God Jul og Godt Nytt Aar
Spanish - Feliz Navidad
Flemish - Vrolike Kerstmis
Afrikaner - Een Plesierige Kerfees
German - Froehliche Weignachten
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